"I AM A VERY STABLE GENIUS...AND I AM VERY SMART." These are the words of YOUR President in Twitter storm in response to the book Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolf.
Now, for starters, why would you use "genius" and "very smart" in the same compound sentence? Isn't that kinda the same thing? Also, one of the definitions of the word "genius" means to have an extraordinary intellectual power, mental superiority, and/or high IQ. Twitter rants and grade school speech does not qualify as any of that. Now to the word "stable." Does this really appear as a man that is stable in any way, shape, or form? No. This appears as a man that is deeply disturbed with severe psychological trauma. I would bank on Daddy issues and personal inadequacies (my red button is bigger than yours, and it works!). Viagra, anyone?
Sorry, I digressed. I have a question for all of you "Thinkers" out there. Have you ever known true geniuses to boast, brag, or strongly attest to their genius? I would put forth that the answer is "no." The people of Mensa (true geniuses) will not make such a statement. Further, idiot savants do not either (Rain Man). So, this brings me to believe that Donald Trump is not genius, nor idiot savant...he is just a plain idiot.
If I were to nominate anyone for "genius," it would be Michael Wolf and possibly Steve Bannon. With this childish back and forth, which was the intent of this nonsense, Wolf ensured that his new book would skyrocket to number one. It became a bestseller prior to being released! In fact, the release date was moved up one week because the demand was so high for this book. Well, okay, that would be a Marketing genius, not necessarily a true genius. I wonder how much money Bannon received for his manipulation of public curiosity? I just had another thought, perhaps it was all three of them that had this epiphany. Wolf, the writer wanted a bestseller; Bannon, the idea man came up with the plot, and Trump had the name.
Look at what is happening behind the scenes, Thinkers. Trump is supposed to be so upset abut the book, yet Bannon and he are still close associates. Bannon has contacted me, I don't call him (more Trump lies?). Trump claims that he has initiated an injunction to stop the sale of the book, and threatens lawsuit against Wolf for libel/slander, yet it hasn't happened (more collusion, like with Russia?). AND the book continues to rise in popularity! It's all anyone can talk about anymore! Is this a diversion to get people to not focus on Russia investigation?
Common, Thinkers! Please come to the Lab and let's discuss and find solutions for the woes of our country.